Monday, January 26, 2009

Not So Sweet!
by: Phyllis Zimmerman
What do all the following have in common?  High fructose corn syrup you say? 
Most of us know that HFCS is bad stuff for our kids but something even deadlier is lurking in the foods listed below.  Would you believe in order to provide cheap mass quantities of foods the food manufactures are using a process that has delivers a product that is high in fructose corn syrup and are you ready......MERCURY!  That's right, I said mercury. 
As most of us in the autism community already know, Mercury is a potent nuero-toxins that damages brain tissue, impaires learning ability's, reduces IQ and is one of the leading substance considered to be one of the major environmental causes of autism.  Science is increasingly suggesting that there is no safe level of exposure to mercury. However we are still knowingly injecting it into our babies* - but  worst yet unknowing ingesting it in the 37 gallons the average American consumes in beverages. It is estimated that the average American consumes about 12 teaspoons per day of  mercury containing HFCS! Yup,
HFCS now appears to be a significant additional source of mercury, one never before considered before.
Below is a list of the current foods that are known to contain mercury-grade caustic soda used to process HFCS.
To read the full research and get a detailed understanding of the process as well as what you can do  go to
A & W Root Beer
Aunt Jemima Original Syrup
Campbell's Tomato Soup
Coca-Cola Classic
Dr. Pepper
Fanta Orange
Hawaiian Punch Fruit Juicy Red
Heinz Hotdog Relish
Heinz Tomato Ketchup
Hershey's Caramel Syrup
Hershey's Chocolate Syrup
Hershey's Strawberry Syrup
Hi-C Wild Cherry
Hunt's Tomato Ketchup
Hy-Top Syrup
Jack Daniel's Barbecue Sauce (Heinz
Jell-O Strawberry
Kemps Fat Free Chocolate Milk
Kool-Aid Bursts Tropical Punch
Kool-Aid Cherry Jammers
Kraft Original Barbecue Sauce
Land O' Lakes Chocolate Milk
Lipton Green Tea
Manwich Bold Sloppy Jo
Market Pantry Applesauce
Market Pantry Cranberry Sauce
Market Pantry Grape Jelly
Market Pantry Ice Pops
Market Pantry Thousand Island Dressing
Market Pantry Tomato Soup
Minute Maid Berry Punch
Mott's Applesauce
Mrs. Butterworth Original Syrup
Nesquik Chocolate Milk
Nesquik Strawberry Milk
NOS High Performance Energy Drink
Nutri-Grain Strawberry Cereal Bars
Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce
Pop-Tarts Frosted Blueberry
Powerade Orange
Quaker Oatmeal to Go
Smucker's Strawberry Jelly
Smucker's Strawberry Syrup
Snapple Peach Iced Tea
Tropicana Twister Cherry Berry Blast
Welch's Grape Jelly
Wish-Bone Thousand Island Dressing
Wish-Bone Western Sweet & Smooth Dressing
Wyler's Italian Ices
Yoo-hoo Chocolate Drink
Yoplait Strawberry Yogurt
Zoo Juice Orange

*(Check out this site for mercury [thimersol] conent of vaccines according to manufactures:


1 comment:

Jessie said...

I think this post is amazing; thank you so much for sharing this information. I do want to point out, however, that your list is the full list of the 55 products that were tested for mercury by the Institute; "only" 17 of those were found to have mercury during their test (see page 14. Not saying this isn't drastically important for everyone to be aware of, just trying to clarify what was and wasn't found.

Keep healthy.