Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and Teaching Verbal Behavior 101

The Integrated Services Department is excited to offer the following educational opportunities for parents in our district.  Our goal is to provide parents/families with information and training relevant to their children's educational needs.  Please take a look at the classes being offered this fall and sign-up today by calling 490-3225 or emailing earensme@psdschools.org


 September 30


Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and Teaching Verbal Behavior 101

Mr. Thomas Caffrey specializes in teaching functional communication skills and helping parents and teachers implement strategies to manage problem behaviors in the classroom and at home. He is an internationally recognized speaker that has given over 200 national and international conference presentations and workshops.


Where:  Harmony Library Community Room

When:  6-8:30 pm


Target Audience:  Parents/families of students with social, communication or behavioral needs, more specifically autism or multiple disabilities.

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