Thursday, February 25, 2010
Don't Miss this FREE Behavior Presentation
Saturday, February 20, 2010
January 28, 2010Wakefield's Science Proven Valid Again In New Study That Replicates FindingsArthur Krigsman 1, Marvin Boris 2, Alan Goldblatt 3 and Carol Stott 4 Abstract Background: Children with developmental disorders experience chronic gastrointestinal symptoms. Aims:To examine the nature of these gastrointestinal symptoms and histologic findings in children with autism spectrum/developmental disorders and ileocolonic disease. Methods: Chart review. 143 autism spectrum/developmental disorder patients, with chronic gastrointestinal symptoms, undergoing diagnostic ileocolonoscopy. Results: Diarrhea was present in 78%, abdominal pain in 59% and constipation in 36%. Ileal and/or colonic lymphonodular hyperplasia (LNH), defined as the presence of an increased number of enlarged lymphoid follicles, often with hyperactive germinal centers, was present in 73.2%. Terminal ileum LNH presented visually in 67% and histologically in 73%. Colonic LNH was multifocal and presented histologically in 32%. Ileal and/or colonic inflammation presented in 74%, consisting primarily of active or chronic colitis (69%). Ileal inflammation presented in 35%. Presence of LNH significantly predicted mucosal inflammation. Patients with ileal and/or colonic LNH had lower mean/median age than those without; patients with ileal and/or colonic inflammation had lower mean/median age than those without. There was a significant association between ileo and/or colonic inflammation or LNH, and onset of developmental disorder; plateaued or regressive onset conferred greater risk than early onset. Conclusions: Patients with autism or related disorders exhibiting chronic gastrointestinal symptoms demonstrate ileal or colonic inflammation upon light microscopic examination of biopsy tissue. Further work is needed to determine whether resolution of histopathology with appropriate therapy is accompanied by GI symptomatic and cognitive/behavioral improvement. Keywords:ASD ileitis, colitis, lymphonodular hyperplasia 1 Assistant professor of pediatrics, New York University school of Medicine Director of Gastroenterology services, Thoughtful House Center for Children, 3001 Bee Caves Rd, Austin, Texas, 78746, UsA. 2 Associate Clinical professor of pediatrics, New York University school of Medicine, 550 1st Ave., New York, NY 10016, UsA. 3 Adjunct professor Touro College, 27-33 West 23rd st, New York, NY 10010, UsA. 4Thoughtful House Center for Children, 3001 Bee Caves Rd, Austin, Texas, 78746, UsA. |
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
More Than Words – The Hanen Program For Parents of Young Children with ASD ®This program helps children communicate by providing intensive and innovative training programs for the most important people in a child's life - their parents or caregivers. Parents/caregivers spend the greatest amount of time with their children, and have the greatest opportunity to help their children communicate. Given information and strategies, parents/caregivers have many more opportunities to improve their children's social communication skills than are possible through weekly therapy appointments. Specifically, More Than Words®: Gives parents/caregivers the strategies they need to help their child interact, communicate, and improve understanding oflanguage: Combines the benefit of shared interactive group learning with individual guidance and consultation through videotapingand feedback Is led by a speech-language pathologists who is Hanen trained and certified Is supported by excellent print and video resourcesParticipation in this program requires a commitment to attend an orientation and 8 class sessions for parents/caregiversconducted by a Hanen trained and certified speech-language pathologist. In addition to these sessions each family will receive an initial home visit and each child and parent/caregiver will be scheduled for 4 individual sessions, 3 with video feedback.Families are also contacted for a follow-up meeting 3 months after the program has ended. A commitment to attend allsessions is essential. We believe that parents/caregivers and children with identified communication needs benefit greatly. The More Than WordsProgram is felt to be an effective intervention approach to address specific social communication needs. More Than WordsProgram was developed 10 years ago through the Hanen Centre. It translates the most current research on language acquisition and early language intervention into a practical, hands-on approach that is respectful of parents'/caregivers' and children's individual differences. The cost of the More Than Words Program: Very few insurance companies fund intervention programs that focus onparent/caregiver training, or services that do not involve the child directly in the sessions. However, Children's Speech & Reading Center has received a Daniels Fund grant that will cover the vast majority of the cost for each family. The cost of theprogram covers 20 hours of parent/caregiver group instruction and 4-6 hours of individual home visits, with video-feedback therapy time. Funding/family's contribution depends on individual family needs/income level, but will not exceed $300 forthe entire program .The next More Than Words® program will begin in February 2010 and will conclude on June 9. Sessions will be held atRespite Care on Wednesdays from 12:30- 2:30. Please contact Elise Tobler at 419-0486 for more information aboutregistration and funding. The program will focus on children, ages 2-5 years , who have little or no verbal language, are beginning to use words, do notyet intentionally communicate, are beginning to communicate intentionally, and who interact with parents briefly or in familiar situations, but rarely or never with other children. This program is not appropriate for parents of children who are using verbal language to consistently communicate or are interacting with peers on their own or with minimal support. Determination of theappropriateness of program participation for each family will be determined by the Hanen® Speech-Language Pathologist. Please call Elise Tobler at 419-0486 to discuss eligibility. |
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Art on the Spectrum To kick off Autism Awareness Month the Autism Society of Larimer County and Summit Studios will present Art on the Spectrum on April 2nd during the First Friday Art Walk. This will be a great opportunity to show hundreds of art enthusiast autism across the spectrum. The spectrum will be displayed ranging from a single scratch of marker or paint on the page to finishing with a mechanical drawing by Dr. Temple Grandin. This will be a visual display of diversity and talent found on the autism spectrum. In order to make this work we need your art work!
3 ways to participate: 1. Join us on February 15th for a free art shop directed by Donna Dudon, Art Instructor/Expressive Therapist. The Boys and Girls club donated the entire club for our exclusive use for the day. The whole day will be open only to families and individuals on the autism spectrum! The participates can work on an art submission and then play in the open areas of the club. It is a great way to spend President's day too. You can email a attendance confirmation to aslc@autismlarimer.org Date: Feb 15, 2010 Time: 2pm - 6pm Open House Style Location: Boys & Girls Club 1608 Lancer Dr. FC For more questions please call: joeldecatur@hotmail.com or 970-377-9640 2. Send us your finished art work completed at home or school. Art work details:
3. School support project. If you are a Spec Ed. class room teacher, art teacher or art therapist make this an exciting opportuniyt for your student to see their work in an art exhibit. This as a fun assignment! Art work details:
What we will do with the art:
Proposed Autism Diagnosis Changes Anger "Aspies" By LINDSEY TANNER, AP Medical Writer Lindsey Tanner, Ap Medical Writer – Thu Feb 11, 10:31 am ET CHICAGO – In the autism world, "Aspies" are sometimes seen as the elites, the ones who are socially awkward, yet academically gifted and who embrace their quirkiness. Now, many Aspies, a nickname for people with Asperger's syndrome, are upset over a proposal they see as an attack on their identity. Under proposed changes to the most widely used diagnostic manual of mental illness, Asperger's syndrome would no longer be a separate diagnosis. Instead, Asperger's and other forms of autism would be lumped together in a single "autism spectrum disorders" category. Some parents say they'd welcome the change, thinking it would eliminate confusion over autism's variations and perhaps lead to better educational services for affected kids. But opponents — mostly older teens and adults with Asperger's — disagree. Liane Holliday Willey, a Michigan author and self-described Aspie whose daughter also has Asperger's, fears Asperger's kids will be stigmatized by the autism label — or will go undiagnosed and get no services at all. Grouping Aspies with people "who have language delays, need more self-care and have lower IQs, how in the world are we going to rise to what we can do?" Willey said. Rebecca Rubinstein, 23, a graduate student from Massapequa, N.Y., says she "vehemently" opposes the proposal and will think of herself as someone with Asperger's no matter what. Autism and Asperger's "mean such different things," she said. Yes and no. Both are classified as neurodevelopmental disorders. Autism has long been considered a disorder that can range from mild to severe. Asperger's symptoms can vary, but the condition is generally thought of as a mild form and since 1994 has had a separate category in psychiatrists' diagnostic manual. Both autism and Asperger's involve poor social skills, repetitive behavior or interests, and problems communicating. But unlike classic autism, Asperger's does not typically involve delays in mental development or speech. The American Psychiatric Association's proposed revisions, announced Wednesday, involve autism and several other conditions. The suggested autism changes are based on research advances since 1994 showing little difference between mild autism and Asperger's. Evidence also suggests that doctors use the term loosely and disagree on what it means, according to psychiatrists urging the revisions. A new autism spectrum category recognizes that "the symptoms of these disorders represent a continuum from mild to severe, rather than being distinct disorders," said Dr. Edwin Cook, a University of Illinois at Chicago autism researcher and member of the APA work group proposing the changes. The proposed revisions are posted online at http://www.DSM5.org for public comment, which will influence whether they are adopted. Publication of the updated manual is planned for May 2013. Dr. Mina Dulcan, child and adolescent psychiatry chief at Chicago's Children's Memorial Hospital, said Aspies' opposition "is not really a medical question, it's an identity question." "It would be just like if you were a student at MIT. You might not want to be lumped with somebody in the community college," said Dulcan who supports the diagnostic change. "One of the characteristics of people with Asperger's is that they're very resistant to change," Dulcan added. The change "makes scientific sense. I'm sorry if it hurts people's feelings," she said. Harold Doherty, a New Brunswick lawyer whose 13-year-old son has severe autism, opposes the proposed change for a different reason. He says the public perception of autism is skewed by success stories — the high-functioning "brainiac" kids who thrive despite their disability. Doherty says people don't want to think about children like his son, Conor, who will never be able to function on his own. The revision would only skew the perception further, leading doctors and researchers to focus more on mild forms, he said. It's not clear whether the change would affect autistic kids' access to special services. But Kelli Gibson of Battle Creek, Mich., whose four sons have different forms of autism, thinks it would. She says the revision could make services now designated just for kids with an "autism" diagnosis available to less severely affected kids — including those with Asperger's and a variation called pervasive developmental disorder-not otherwise specified. Also, Gibson said, she'd no longer have to use four different terms to describe her boys. "Hallelujah! Let's just put them all in the same category and be done with it," Gibson said. |
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Register for the ASLC Birthday Club
THE AUTISM SOCIETY OF LARIMER COUNTY BIRTHDAY CLUB! WE WANT TO HELP YOU CELEBRATE YOUR CHILD'S BIRTHDAY Celebrating December, January & February Birthdays Whether it is our child's birthday celebration quarter or not everyone is welcome to join the fun. Siblings are welcome too! Reserve your party spot to share in the celebration for our next party on: February 18, 2010 TIME: 4:45 pm—6:45 pm LOCATION: Pump It Up of Fort Collins 1420 Riverside Avenue, Ste 114 Fort Collins, Co 80524 Pizza, Cake & Goodie Bags will be available. Space is limited. Pre-registration required: call (970) 377-9640 or email aslc@autismlarimer.org by Tuesday, February 16, 2010 *
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